Here you find my highlights from now till then (More or less equal to the Facebook-page I keep updated). The latest updates are from my currect projects, KLM 777 and Boeing 737
* 21 January 2024: Flying PH-BCG to Berlin. nr#52
* 18 January 2024: Flying PH-BXY to Berlin. nr#51
* 18 January 2024: Flying PH-BGB to Geneva. nr#50
* 29 December 2023: Flying PH-HSD to Budapest. nr#49
* 11 + 12 November 2022: Flying PH-BCK and PH-BCH to/from Helsinki, nr#47 and 48. Trip report here
* 10 November 2022: Flying PH-BXT to Copenhagen, thicking of nr#46 out of 54! Trip report here
* 31 October 2021: Got to fly the last 2 Boeing 737-700s last weekend on a Bucharest return trip, PH-BGX and BGT! Here is the tripreport
* 16 February 2019: Awesome to fly the 747 again. PH-BFV to and from LAX on a 5 day trip.
* 12 October 2018: A weekendtrip to Warsaw. 1 new frame this time, number 43 out of 50.
* 13/14 July 2018: Up in the air enroute Copenhagen, 2 new Boeing 737s for me, number 41 and 42 out of 50. PH-HSE to CPH, PH-BCB on return.
* 18 May 2018: A 2 day Hong Kong return flying the lovely Queen! PH-BFT and BFI flown on those flights. Tripreport here
* 22 April 2018: Two days ago BQB enroute to JFK, today PH-BQP a new 777 to fly on return home from Washington. BQP 6 / 15 🙂
* 8 February 2018: The start of the Boeing 777 project, mainly the 777-200s at first. A flight to Dubai was made. PH-BQB was my ride, a new one! Already flown so far, BQC, BQF, BQH, BQK. 4 out of 15. Today Borobudur brings it to 5 / 15
* 3 November 2017: In December 2005 the City of Bangkok PH-BFB was my first KLM aircraft to fly! This also was my first 747-400 to fly. After flying 123 other unique KLM aircraft, and after 212 other takeoffs on KLM, this was my 2nd flight on the BFB, and my 214th takeoff on a KLM aircraft. Routing CUR-AMS
* 22 January 2017: Ready to finish the project A330. Flying PH-AKD from Amsterdam to Bonaire, 5/5 A330-300 and 17/17 of all KLM A330’s. Mission KLM A330 accomplished! 😀 Tripreport
* 5/6 November 2016: Ready for new registrations! Airbus weekend to the USA. Flying PH-AOM from Amsterdam to Miami, 11/12 A330-200. On return PH-AOA 12/12 A330-200. This weekends tripreport
* 5 June 2016: Flying the City of Johannesburg, PH-BFY from Curaçao to Amsterdam. 22/22! KL785 Mission KLM 747-400 accomplished! 😀
* 4 June 2016: Flying the City of Lima, PH-BFL from Amsterdam to Curaçao. 21/22! KL735
* 7 May 2016: Ready for new registrations! Airbus weekend to Kuwait, burning some miles. Flying PH-AOF from Amsterdam to Kuwait, 9/12 A330-200. On return PH-AOE 10/12 A330-200, see tripreport
* 28 March 2016: This year both KLM special livery 737s got flown by me. PH-BXO enroute BCN-AMS in January and yesterday PH-BXA, KLM’s retro enroute LHR-AMS
* 30 January 2016: The flights of last weekend have been continued flying PH-BFS and PH-BFT in new livery to/from Chicago. Tripreports KL611 and KL612
* 23 January 2016: The first flight in the new year was made. It was time to fly some 737s and fly 747 Combi again. I didn’t end up in Chicago, but drove home in the afternoon again, because of winter weather in Berlin I missed my connection (trip continued a week later). Awesome new memories made possible by KLM’s lovely crew! Thank you all! Report PH-BGP
* 28 November 2015: Crossing the Atlantic 4 times in 4 days. Flying PH-AKF from Amsterdam to San Francisco, 4/5 A330-300. On return PH-AOI 8/12 A330-200 KL605/606 report
* 26 November 2015: Flying PH-AOL from Amsterdam to Atlanta. 7/12 A330-200 just a few days before she is leaving KLM’s active fleet KL623 flightreport. On return PH-AKB, 3/5 A330-300
* 15 October 2015: Flying PH-AOH from Amsterdam to Kuwait. 6/12 A330-200 just a few days before her leaving KLM’s active fleet. KL417 tripreport . The returnflight was on PH-AOB
* 9 October 2015: Flying the City of Beijing, PH-BFU from Amsterdam to Toronto. 20/22 and Combi 15 out of 15!! KL695. The returnflight 2 days later from YYZ to AMS was on PH-BQH a 777-200.
* 18 September 2015: Flying PH-AON from Amsterdam to Edmonton. 4/12 A330-200 from Amsterdam to Edmonton KL675. Before this day, the first flight after annoucing project KLM A330, already flown were PH-AOB, PH-AOD and PH-AOK. The returnflight 2 days later from YYZ to AMS was on PH-AOC 5/12 A330-200! Flight KL692
* 26 August 2015: Flying the City of Shanghai, PH-BFW from Amsterdam to New York JFK. 19/22 KL643. The returnflight on 30 August from JFK to AMS was on PH-BFA, see report KL644.
* 13 June 2015: Flying the City of Seoul, PH-BFS from Amsterdam to Dubai. 18/22 KL427.
The returnflight on 15 June from DXB to AMS was on PH-BQC, a Boeing 777, see report KL428.
* 2 April 2015 / 7 April 2015: Flying PH-BFK towards LAX KL603 and on return from SFO PH-BFG as KL606. No new frames this trip. But all flights were in business class, great adventure!
* 27 February 2015 / 1 March 2015: Flying PH-BFP towards LAX KL601 and on return PH-BFV as KL602. No new frames this weekend but a lovely experience again, mostly made possible by a really kind crew!
* 21 February 2015: Flying the City of Orlando, PH-BFO from Amsterdam to Chicago. 17/22 KL611.
The returnflight on 22 February from ORD to AMS was on PH-BFF, see report KL612.
PH-BFO is one of the first 3 Boeing 747s which are going to leave the fleet, as it seems, even this year, so I’m extremely happy this machine was scheduled today! Thanks to all people who made this possible!
* 1 February 2015: Flying the City of Freetown, PH-BFF from JFK to Amsterdam. 16/22 KL644.
The flight towards JFK on 30 January was on PH-BFG, see report KL643.
* 18 January 2015: Flying the City of Jakarta, PH-BFI from Los Angeles to Amsterdam. 15/22 KL602.
The flight towards LAX on 16 January was on PH-BFC, see report KL601
* 30 November 2014: Flying the City of Nairobi, PH-BFN from St. Maarten via Curacao to Amsterdam. 14/22 KL785.
* 28 September 2014: Flying the City of Guayaquil, PH-BFG from Curacao to Amsterdam. 13/22 KL785 . This flight is also marking my 100th flight on KLM, champagne was being served 🙂
* 18 May 2014: Flying the City of Melbourne, PH-BFE from Hong Kong to Amsterdam. 12/22 KL888
* 26 March 2014: Failed attempt! If I wouldnt be on those flights I wouldnt have believed it! This is so…. 🙄 ( BFK & BFR again to/from Houston !!!!!
* 23 February 2014: Flying the City of Tokyo, PH-BFT from Los Angeles to Amsterdam. Halfway this project! 🙂 11/22 KL602
* 17 February 2014: Flying the City of Paramaribo, PH-BFP from Amsterdam to Los Angeles. 10/22 KL601
* 19 January 2014: Flying the City of Vancouver, PH-BFV from Chicago to Amsterdam. 9/22 KL612
* 18 January 2014: Project KLM 747-400 launched! So far already flown on PH-BFA, BFB, BFC, BFD, BFH, BFK and BFR, we start the project with 7/22. Today flying the City of Mexico, PH-BFM from Amsterdam to Chicago, 8/22 KL611
* 25 March 2012: Flying Anna Pavlova, PH-KCH from Montreal to Amsterdam. Mission KLM MD-11 accomplished! 😀 KL672
* 24 March 2012: Flying Mother Teresa, PH-KCI from Amsterdam to Montreal. This is lady 9/10. Really excited flying the 9th frame today! Now praying to get KCH on return tomorrow! KL671
* 26 February 2012: Flying Marie Curie, PH-KCC from San Francisco to Amsterdam. This is lady 8/10. Oh man bloooody awesome!! KL606
* 25 February 2012: Flying Maria Callas, PH-KCG from Amsterdam to San Francisco. This is lady 7/10. I’m so happy! KL605
* 29 January 2012: Flying Audrey Hepburn, PH-KCE from Amsterdam to Dubai. This is lady 6/10 😀 KL427
* 14 January 2012: Flying Ingrid Bergman, PH-KCK from Amsterdam to Montreal. This is lady 5/10 KL671
* 28 June 2011: Flying Amy Johnson, PH-KCA from Bonaire to Amsterdam. This is lady 4/10 KL754
* 26 June 2011: Flying Maria Montessori, PH-KCB from Guayaquil to Quito and Bonaire. This is lady 3/10 KL754
* 13 June 2011: Flying Florence Nightingale, PH-KCD from Bonaire to Guayaquil and Quito. This is lady 2/10 KL753
* 11 June 2011: Flying Annie Romein, PH-KCF from Amsterdam to Bonaire. This is my first KLM lady KL753 The new project has begun
* 1 November 2009: My very final Finnair MD-11 flight from Malaga to Helsinki. OH-LGB. AY2125
* 16 February 2009: Project Finnair COMPLETED, all 7 MD-11s have been flown by me now! OH-LGE the latest one routing HEL-DEL AY021
* 7 February 2009: Another one in the records, this time OH-LGF, all the way from Bangkok to New York via Helsinki! One more MD-11 to go before completion! AY096 / AY005
* 7 February 2009: Yeah man!! After flying OH-LGG twice this week finally a new one, OH-LGD on my 2nd HEL-BKK flight this week AY089
* 16 October 2008: Boarding the final commercial pax flight on Finnair OH-LGC, JFK-HEL. AY006
* 15 October 2008: Starting project Finnair MD-11. Already flown so far: OH-LGA, OH-LGB, OH-LGG. Now chasing to fly the other 4!